Course Library
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Full range of courses
Understanding pregnancy, labour, birth and your baby
Preparing to give birth, bonding with your new baby
and thinking about your emotional health.
Understanding pregnancy, labour, birth and your baby: for women couples
Preparing to give birth, bonding with baby, thinking about your emotional health.
Understanding your baby
Postnatal (0 - 6 Months)
Understanding your baby, for a nurturing relationship supporting them to thrive.
Understanding your preterm or sick baby in hospital
Postnatal (0 - 6 Months)
Developing a close and connected relationship with
your baby when you may be feeling overwhelmed.
Understanding your preterm or sick baby now you're home
Postnatal (0 - 6 Months)
Developing a close, connected relationship with your baby now you're home.
Understanding your child: from toddler to teenager
6 months to 19+ years
No matter your family setup, the important relationships in your child’s life help shape...
Understanding your child with additional needs
6 months to 19+ years
Developing the important relationships in your child’s life, helping their wellbeing.
Understanding your child's feelings (a taster course)
6 months to 19+ years
An intro to understanding your child, their feelings and how to nurture their emotional development.
Understanding your child's mental health and wellbeing
6 months to 19+ years
Exploring mental health alongside understanding your child.
Understanding the impact of the pandemic on your child
6 months to 19+ years
Reflecting on how the coronavirus pandemic may have affected your children emotionally.
Understanding your teenager's brain
Preteen to teenager
Understanding the rapid development of the teenage brain. What this means for their mental health.
Moving up to secondary school for children with additional needs
Preteen to teenager
This short specialist course is for parents, relatives or friends of children who have additional...
Understanding the impact of the pandemic on your teenager
Preteen to teenager
Reflective thinking about your teenager’s emotional wellbeing and the impact of the pandemic.
Understanding your brain (for teenagers only!)
Preteen to teenager
Understanding the rapid development of your brain as you grow. What this means for you.
Understanding your feelings (for teenagers only!)
Preteen to teenager
Understanding your feelings, your mental wellbeing and how to manage them.
Understanding your relationships
Emotional wellbeing, communicating feelings, and managing conflict or anger in relationships.
Understanding your own trauma
Reflecting on your mental wellbeing to recognise, understand and process trauma with resilience.
Community Languages
افهم الحمل والمخاض والولادة وطفلك
يجد 9 من كل 10 آباء محتملين هذه الدورة التدريبية مفيدة....
افهم طفلك الرضيع
Postnatal (0 - 6 Months)
دورة "افهم طفلك الرضيع" هي دورة تعليمية مناسبة...
افهم دماغ المراهق
Preteen to teenager
عن هذه الدورة
اكتشف ما يحدث للدماغ عندما يبلغ الطفل سن...
Как да разбирате детето си
6 months to 19+ years
„Разберете детето си” е онлайн курс за всички...
Zrozumieć ciążę, poród, narodziny i Twoje dziecko
9 na 10 przyszłych rodziców uważa ten kurs za pomocny. Mamy więc nadzieję, że Ty...
Zrozumieć swoje dziecko
6 months to 19+ years
O kursie
„Zrozumieć swoje dziecko” jest internetowym kursem dla wszystkich...
Fahanka ilmahaaga
6 months to 19+ years
'Fahamka ilmahaaga' waa cashir onlayn ah oo loogu talagalay dhammaan waalidiinta,...
Comprender a tu bebé
Postnatal (0 - 6 Months)
«Comprender a tu bebé» está dedicado a todas las personas que tengan un...
حمل، درد زہ، پیدائش اور آپ کے بچے کی تفہیم
یہ کورس دراصل والدین، دادا دادی اور دیگر تمام...
اپنے بچے کو سمجھنا
Postnatal (0 - 6 Months)
اس کورس کے بارے میں اپنے بچے کو سمجھنا' ہر اس...
اپنے بچے کو سمجھنا
6 months to 19+ years
'اپنے بچے کو سمجھنا' تمام والدین، ددیال/ننیال...
اپنے نو عمر بچے کے دماغ کو سمجھنا
Preteen to teenager
اس مختصر کورس میں جانیں کہ جب بچہ بلوغت کی عمر کو...
Deall beichiogrwydd, esgor, genedigaeth a’ch baban
Mae'r cwrs hwn ar gyfer rhieni, neiniau a theidiau a gofalwyr - i bawb ym mywyd y newydd...
Deall eich babi
Postnatal (0 - 6 Months)
Mae ‘deall eich babi’ ar gyfer pawb o amgylch babi newydd: yn eich cefnogi chi...
Deall eich plentyn: o’n blentyn bach i blentyn yn ei harddegau
6 months to 19+ years
Mae 'Deall eich plentyn' yn gwrs ar-lein i bob rhiant, mamgu a thad-cu a gofalwr plant 0-18...