Maintenance Notice: Essential maintenance has been scheduled for Friday February 14th 2025 from 19:00 GMT to 22:00 GMT. This service will be unavailable during this period.

Frequently Asked Questions

Applicant FAQs

We have put together answers to some of the most common questions that applicants ask us. We hope that this helps you. If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Why do I have to submit an application form?

The courses are accessed via your own personal online account. You need to complete an application form in order for your online account to recognise you as a professional. You will then be offered the courses for professionals as a purchase option.

What if I already have an account for Solihull Approach online courses for parents?

You can sign in with your existing account details and password. However, you will need to complete an application form in order for your online account to recognise you as a ‘professional’.

What will happen to all my progress on my courses for parents/carers? Your progress will be saved. Once you have completed an application to become recognised as a ‘professional’ your account will show you courses for parents/carers (including your progress for any courses already purchased) AND you will be offered courses for professionals.

I just want to register my face to face group(s), and/or submit data returns.

You do not need to fill in an application form.

To register groups go to and click on Sign in>> sign in as a practitioner to register groups.

For data returns, go to and click on Practitioner>data returns

What kind of ‘professional’ do I need to be?

Any professional related to children and families, or supporting adults. You could be an educational worker, social worker, support worker, mental health worker, health worker, housing officer, police or fire officer, prison worker, and so on.

How much are the courses for professionals?

The costs of the courses vary. For information about the courses, including the cost go to click on ‘online courses for professionals’ and select the course.

Can I pay by credit/debit card?

Yes. Once you have created an account and submitted your application form you will be offered the option to buy your course. Purchase is via credit/debit card. You will gain instant access to the course if your purchase is successful.

Can I pay by invoice?

Yes. You will need to purchase the course via the Shop>>order page on the website.

OR click here and select ‘order’.

There will be a short delay while we process your order (Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm) and send a ‘discount code’ to you (or the person identified under ‘delivery details’ if not you) for use at checkout after you have registered, completed an application form and clicked ‘buy’ the course.

Can I buy the course on a credit/debit card on behalf of someone else?

Yes, via the Shop>>order page on the website.

Or click here and select ‘buy now’. Under delivery options please enter the details of the person for whom you wish to buy the course. There will be a short delay while we process your order (Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm) and send the recipient a 100% ‘discount code’ for use at checkout after they registered, completed an application form and clicked ‘buy’ the course.

Is there a discount for bulk purchases?

Please contact us for a customised quote.

Do I get the online course free if I have attended a face to face version of the course?

Not at the current time.

Will I receive a certificate?

Yes, at the end of the course. Ensure your name is correct in your profile as this is the name that will appear on the certificate.

How many CPD hours will the courses require?

The length of the courses (no. of modules) vary. However, we estimate they take about 15-20 minutes per module.

How do I create a new online account to submit an application form?
Go to and click 'online courses for professionals' and 'click here to register for course'. Complete the application form. Click 'save and continue'.

How do I log in to my account to resume my courses?
Either via click on ‘online courses for professionals’ >> ’Already have an account? Sign in’.

OR via ‘Already have an account? Sign in’ (only once you have completed an application form)

OR click here and enter the email address and password with which you registered your account.

What if I forget my password?
Use the forgotten password feature We will identify you and send the password securely to your registered email address, or give you access to reset your password.

Can I take my time to complete the application form?
Yes, but it will not take long! You can save it and come back to it at a later date. If you forget your password, follow the forgotten password steps above. Please note the page will 'time-out' if inactive for a period of time. Keep saving your application to ensure no data is lost.

Can I edit after submitting my application form?
No. Once you have submitted your form we review the information that you have provided. We may ask you for more information, but you can't edit your application.

I have submitted my application. What happens next?
You can log in at any time at

Can I contact someone about my application?
Yes, if you have any questions during the admissions process please get in touch with us via the Communication Inbox that you see once you log in.

How can I withdraw my application?
Please use the communication inbox section to communicate your intentions with the Admin team.