Maintenance Notice: Essential maintenance has been scheduled for Friday February 14th 2025 from 19:00 GMT to 22:00 GMT. This service will be unavailable during this period.


Your data

Your personal information is personal to you.

As with some online services, you are free to put in details that don’t directly identify you, such as a nickname. However, this might need to be corrected by you if you wish to have your name on a certificate after you have completed a course.

We never share your personal data or sell your data.

We carry out some statistical tests on the site data for our own research to help us develop resources that work, but this is never at the level where individual users can be identified.

If your Borough provided you with a code for free access to the courses, we provide them with statistical reports on aggregated data (not personally identifiable) and they can access this data to generate their own reports.

If you used a credit card to purchase an online course, this is through one designated payment provider. We do not have access to your credit card details.

Why no adverts?

We are not in the business of selling advertising space. There are loads of companies out there that do that really well. Instead, we are in the business of creating great materials and services that make your life as a parent easier.

We want our energy and expertise to be spent on improving access to knowledge and understanding about relationships, not on improving the collection of and access to your data for advertisers to benefit from. We will never sell your data to third parties.

Right to be forgotten

If you would like your personal details erased from the system (e.g. your name, if you used it, and your email address) please let us know using the contact form.

Right to access

If you would like a copy of the personal details we hold about you (e.g. your name, if you used it, and your email address) please let us know using the contact form.